Friday, April 24

Pinterest FAIL

I know on social networks we do a lot of bragging. Look at this awesome picture of me looking awesome with my friends with this amazing scenery in the background. Look at my awesome Pinterest success. Well I want to be honest. We don't always succeed at everything we try. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try.

I want to tell you about my Pinterest fail. It came so close to being awesome, but it didn't work. I don't know yet if I'll try again. But I think it's worth sharing that I tried to make my own cough drops. I think it's a worthwhile endeavor. The globs of goo all over my kitchen taste good. The ingredients probably have medicinal qualities that help your throat, cough, and health in some way. But everything is not as easy as it looks. And I found that to be the case with candy-making. 

I didn't have a candy thermometer- I only have a meat thermometer. Turns out it only goes to 200° and I was supposed to heat my mixture up to 300. In the meantime my mixture boiled over onto the stove. I tried to transfer it to another pot but in this pot the mixture was shallow and the tip of the thermometer was touching the bottom of the pot, which I know it's not supposed to do. The directions on one post that I found said that I was supposed to let the mixture cool for 5 to 10 minutes. Well when I let it sit five minutes, at which time I poured probably about $15 or so worth of essential oils (thieves, eucalyptus, and peppermint) into the mixture, it became so hard that I couldn't get it to pour into my little silicone mold that I had bought just for this purpose. 

I'm sure there will be some way for me to salvage this mess and break it up into little pieces. And Lord knows I don't waste anything. But I do feel a little dejected. The wind has left my sails a little. But it's all about the journey, the process, right?

I'm proud of myself for trying something new. And now I have that much more experience under my belt. So here's to new adventures and Pinterest fails. All things work together for the good for those that love the Lord (Romans 8:28.)

So if anyone else wants to try, I hope it works for you. Let me know how it goes!

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