purchased a glass bottle from Wal-Mart and brought my lemon essential oil to
work so I could start my little daily routine of adding a couple drops to my water.
Subsequently I’ve come across some concern within the blogosphere regarding the
safety of ingesting essential oils. It seems that the danger is related to potency, volume, and direct contact with your insides. It also sounds like they’re
worried about people taking pills filled with oils in place of seeking medical
treatment and without the guidance of a healthcare professional. I don’t think
they’re talking about a drop or two of lemon oil diluted in a huge bottle of water.
looked for studies, but I’m having trouble finding research on ingesting lemon
oil. I have found a lot of studies on its inhalation. One such study documented
high positive correlations between inhaling lemon oil and positive mood (in
people, I spared you the depressed rat studies.)
"We found clear and consistent evidence that lemon oil inhalation enhances positive mood and also boosts norepinephrine release (in line with its activating properties), but no other obvious physiological or health-related benefits from either lemon or lavender..."[1]
I don't
need it to work physiological miracles. If people feel happier after smelling
it- great!
It was interesting to me, however, that the researchers
alluded to the possibility that quick mood boosting could have negative effects
on your physiology. I guess whether it's eustress or distress, getting revved
up takes work, and you've got to come back down. Perhaps as with any
stimulant, the high may come at the price of a crash. You can't win.
But I'm still putting a couple drops of lemon in my water.
Because I like it! And it's my water I can oil if I want to.
You would oil too if it happened to you!
*Sniff responsibly ;)
[1] Kiecolt-Glaser et al.
(2008). Olfactory influences on mood and autonomic, endocrine, and immune
function. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 33,
328-339. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
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